Training Highlights

Instructor Led Training

Weekly Doubt clearing Session

Lifetime Assistance for Revision

Lifetime Login Access to Student Dashboard

World-Wide Valid Certification

Study Material, Assignments and Projects
Course Highlights
Introduction to a basic construct in Python
Understanding the OOPS paradigm in Python
Machine Learning with Python
Python Integration with Spark
Course Overview
A python is an open-source software that provides great functionality to deal with mathematics, scientific functions. It has an easy to understand interface which makes it widely adapted by multiple industries. Python provides a large collection of libraries and packages to deal with data science applications. CAD DESK offers the best classroom training in India that helps the learner to get in-depth knowledge of various tools and features available in the Revit Architecture software.
Python library provides the easiest way of analyzing and manipulating a large amount of structured data. NumPy, Pandas, Scikit, and SciPy are the most commonly used libraries of Python which are helpful in data processing, modeling, manipulation, and visualization. CAD DESK provides the best quality training to its students in the field of IT, CAD, CAM & CAE. Moreover, while taking the coaching classes for Python, students are encouraged to do Internships.
CAD DESK provides 100 % Placement assistance to their students through which students get an opportunity to be placed in various companies in India. While doing IT coaching classes, students also avail many other facilities including books, e-books, tutorials, and projects along with their student panel. They further get an additional benefit of transfer facility through which they can move to any of our CAD franchise centers in India; even if they are enrolled at CAD DESK Jaipur or at any other center. After finishing the Python training, CAD DESK students get a certificate of course completion that helps them to escalate their careers.
Course Contents
- What is Data Science, what does a data scientist do
- Various examples of Data Science in the industries
- How Python is deployed for Data Science applications
- Various steps in Data Science process like data wrangling, data exploration and selecting the model
- Introduction to Python programming language
- Important Python features, how is Python different from other programming languages
- Python installation, Anaconda Python distribution for Windows, Linux and Mac
- How to run a sample Python script, Python IDE working mechanism?
- Running some Python basic commands
- Python variables, data types and keywords.
- Introduction to a basic construct in Python
- Understanding indentation like tabs and spaces
- Python built-in data types
- Basic operators in Python
- Loop and control statements like break, if, for, continue, else, range() and more.
- Central Tendency
- Variabiltiy
- Hypothesis Testing
- Anova
- Correlation
- Regression
- Probability Definitions and Notation
- Joint Probabilities
- The Sum Rule, Conditional Probability, and the Product Rule
- Baye’s Theorem
- Understanding the OOP paradigm like encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction
- What are access modifiers, instances, class members
- Classes and objects
- Function parameter and return type functions
- Lambda expressions.
- Introduction to mathematical computing in Python
- What are arrays and matrices, array indexing, array math, Inspecting a numpy array, Numpy array manipulation
- Introduction to scipy, building on top of numpy
- What are the characteristics of scipy
- Various subpackages for scipy like Signal, Integrate, Fftpack, Cluster, Optimize, Stats and more, Bayes Theorem with scipy.
- What is a data Manipulation. Using Pandas library
- Numpy dependency of Pandas library
- Series object in pandas
- Dataframe in Pandas
- Loading and handling data with Pandas
- How to merge data objects
- Concatenation and various types of joins on data objects, exploring dataset
- Introduction to Matplotlib
- Using Matplotlib for plotting graphs and charts like Scatter, Bar, Pie, Line, Histogram and more
- Matplotlib API
- Revision of topics in Python (Pandas, Matplotlib, numpy, scikit-Learn)
- Introduction to machine learning
- Need of Machine learning
- Types of machine learning and workflow of Machine Learning
- Uses Cases in Machine Learning, its various arlogrithms
- What is supervised learning
- What is Unsupervised Learning
- What is linear regression?
- Step by step calculation of Linear Regression
- Linear regression in Python
- Logistic Regression
- What is classification
- Decision Tree, Confusion Matrix, Random Forest, Naïve Bayes classifier (Self-paced), Support Vector Machine(self-paced), xgboost (self-paced)
- Introduction to unsupervised learning
- Use cases of unsupervised learning
- What is clustering
- Types of clustering(self-paced)-Exclusive clustering, Overlapping Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering(self-paced)
- What is K-means clustering
- Step by step calculation of k-means algorithm
- Association Rule Mining(self-paced), Market Basket Analysis(self-paced), Measures in association rule mining(self-paced)-support, confidence, lift
- Apriori Algorithm
- Introduction to pyspark
- Who uses pyspark, need of spark with python
- Pyspark installation
- Pyspark fundamentals
- Advantage over mapreduce, pyspark
- Use-cases pyspark and demo
- Introduction to Dimensionality
- Why Dimensionality Reduction
- Factor Analysis
- White Noise
- AR model
- MA model
- ARMA model
- ARIMA model
- Stationarity
How will you get your certificate?
CAD DESK is a pioneer in CAD/CAM/CAE training and most of the industries give great recognition to its certificate throughout India and abroad. CAD DESK Certificates are ISO verified which makes it highly reputed comparing to the other local brands and helps the student get prioritize while going for job opportunities in the industry. CAD DESK Software Training is conducted by highly knowledgeable trainers which help students to enhance their skill set by putting great emphasizes on project-based learning.

How Our instructors are certified
CAD DESK has a team of highly skilled trainers, who focus on delivering well standard and quality training to each of its learners. Each CAD DESK trainer has professional degrees and has more than 5 years+ of experience in the stream of CAD, CAM, and CAE. Along with that, they are certified from prestigious institutes and have esteem knowledge of their courses which helps the learners to enhance their skills and meet the industry requirements. Our courses are not just based on theoretical concepts; in fact, it puts a great emphasis on industry-driven learning which is being regularly updated

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

No such prerequisite, however a basic knowledge of the subject is preferable.
Generally, the average training duration is 2 hours daily. Although if someone wants a half-day or full-day fast track course these are also available.
Yes, the study material is included in the course. Cad desk provides you the exercise books and a multicolor reference guide which helps to revise the whole software anytime.
The certificate shall be provided in both digital and physical form once you complete the training. The certificate shall be displayed in your login after you complete the training. You can collect the physical certificate from the center.
Cad desk is a pioneer in CAD/CAM training and most industries and Universities/colleges recognize its certificate by reputation.
This is lifetime access to your login and all its benefits.
Definitely, CAD DESK being the leader in CAD, receives many openings on day to day basis, and registered students shall be able to access that information.