Training Highlights

Instructor Led Training

Weekly Doubt clearing Session

Lifetime Assistance for Revision

Lifetime Login Access to Student Dashboard

World-Wide Valid Certification

Study Material, Assignments and Projects
Course Highlights
A Short History of Android
Android Architecture
Concept of SQL Data Storage in Android
Advance GUI Development
Course Overview
Android is a comprehensive open-source platform designed for mobile devices. It is championed by Google and owned by Open Handset Alliance. The goal of the alliance is to “accelerate innovation in mobile and offer consumers a richer, less expensive, and better mobile experience.” CAD DESK offers the best classroom training in India that helps the learner to get in-depth knowledge of various tools and features available in the Android software.
Android is a truly open platform that separates the hardware from the software that runs on it. This allows for a much larger number of devices to run the same applications and creates a much richer ecosystem for developers and consumers. CAD DESK provides the best coaching classes to its students in the field of IT, CAD, CAM & CAE. And, while taking the software trainings, students are encouraged to do Internship which helps them to have more in-hand knowledge of the software training.
CAD DESK not only provides the software training but also provides 100% Placement assistance to all of its students. During the classes, students get many other facilities including study materials, e-books, various tutorials & projects related to software; which works as an additional benefit to them. Further, students get a provision to transfer to any of our franchise centers in India; even if they have enrolled in CAD DESK Jaipur or at any other CAD DESK center. At the end of course completion, CAD DESK students get a certificate that is completely verified and provides great recognition to the students in the industry.
Course Contents
- What is Android?
- A Short History
- Advantages of Android
- Disadvantages of Android
- Key Components Stack
- The Kernel
- Libraries
- The Dalvik JVM
- Application Framework
- Applications
- What do we need?
- Setting up the SDK
- Install Android Studio
- Create a Virtual Device
- Creating a Project
- Running Your Application
- Android Hardware Buttons
- Run Configuration
- Debugging an Application
- Using Third Party JAR
- Creating Reusable Library
- Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS)
- DDMS Tools in Android Studio
- The Console Views
- Developing for Multiple Android Versions
- Data Storage Options
- Data Privacy
- Shared Preferences
- Modifying Shared Preferences
- Default Preferences
- Editing Preferences
- Private Directory
- External Storage
- Checking State of External Storage
- Working with Files in External Storage
- Shipping Files with the Application
- Working with Raw Resource Files
- Working with Asset Files
- Opening a Database Connection
- Transaction Management
- A Pattern for Connection and Transaction Handling
- Creating Schema
- Compiled SQL Statement
- Insert, Update, Delete Data
- Fetching Data
- Example Queries
- Iterating Over a Cursor
- Reading Column Values from Cursor
- Cursor Management
- Binding Cursor to List View
- Custom Data Binding
- Handling Item Click Event
- Refreshing the List View
- Schema Creation Issues
- Using the Helper Class
- Recapping the Basics
- Packaging an Application
- Application Reusability Architecture
- The Manifest File
- Activity
- Creating An Activity Class
- Activity Lifecycle
- Launching An Activity
- Pausing and Stopping An Activity
- Destroying an Activity
- Saving State
- Creating Views
- Registering an Activity
- The Default Activity
- Process Lifecycle
- The Application Class
- The Application Context
- Fundamentals
- View Hierarchy
- Creating Views Programmatically
- Creating Views in XML Layout
- More on XML Layout
- Common Programming Tasks with Views
- Text View and Edit Text
- Button
- Checkbox
- Radio Button and Radio Group
- Toggle Button
- Image View
- Rating Bar
- Background
- Linear Layout
- Linear Layout Orientation
- Match_parent (fill_parent) example
- Layout Gravity
- Weight
- TableLayout
- Launching An Activity
- Managing the width
- Relative Layout
- Scroll View
- Horizontal Scroll View
- Main Type of Resources
- Defining Value Resources
- Defining String Arrays
- Creating Image Resource
- Alternate Resource Folders
- Alternate Folder Name Rules
- How Android Finds Resources
- Dealing with Screen Orientation
- Orientation Change and Activity Lifecycle
- Developing for Tablets
- Testing for Localization
- Loading Localized String from Code
- What is an Intent?
- The Android.content.Intent Class
- Implicit Target Component Specification
- Intent Filters
- Data Type Filter
- Action Name
- Category Name
- Hint Matching Logic
- Default component of an application
- Defining Menu Items
- Menu XML File
- Option Menu
- Populating Menu Items from Resource
- Manipulating Menu Items
- Handling Menu Item Click Event
- Context Menu
- Showing a Context Menu
- handling a Context Menu Item Click
- Spinner View
- Creating a Spinner
- Handling Item Selection Event
- The List View
- Creating a List View
- Handling List View Events
- The Adapter Model
- Custom Adapter Class
- Using an Adapter
- Using a Custom Row Layout
- View Flipper
- Tabbed UI Layout
- Creating Tabbed UI
- Defining the Tabbed Layout
- Creating the Tabs with View Content
- Add a Tab with Activity Content
- Web View
- Web View Methods
- Use of URL
- The Structure of Data
- MIME Type
- Creating a Content Provider
- Implement the query() Method
- Implement the insert() Method
- The update() and delete() Methods
- Implement getType()
- Registering a Provider
- Writing a Data Consumer
- Performing a Query
- Developing a Broadcast Receiver Component
- Registering a Receiver
- Broadcasting a Custom Intent
- Broadcasting a Notification
- Low Battery Indication by Broadcast Receiver
- The Handler Framework
- The Basic Approach
- Creating a Handler
- Posting a Message
- Doing Background Work
- A Sync Task
- Callback Methods of ASyncTask
- Doing the Work
- Starting Work
- Getting Result from the Task
- Updating GUI from the Task
- Ending the Task
- What is a Service?
- Creating a Service
- Starting and Stopping a Service
- Starting Long Running Work
- Sending Control Messages to a Service
- Usability Guidelines
How will you get your certificate?
CAD DESK is a pioneer in CAD/CAM/CAE training and most of the industries give great recognition to its certificate throughout India and abroad. CAD DESK Certificates are ISO verified which makes it highly reputed comparing to the other local brands and helps the student get prioritize while going for job opportunities in the industry. CAD DESK Software Training is conducted by highly knowledgeable trainers which help students to enhance their skill set by putting great emphasizes on project-based learning.

How Our instructors are certified
CAD DESK has a team of highly skilled trainers, who focus on delivering well standard and quality training to each of its learners. Each CAD DESK trainer has professional degrees and has more than 5 years+ of experience in the stream of CAD, CAM, and CAE. Along with that, they are certified from prestigious institutes and have esteem knowledge of their courses which helps the learners to enhance their skills and meet the industry requirements. Our courses are not just based on theoretical concepts; in fact, it puts a great emphasis on industry-driven learning which is being regularly updated

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

No such prerequisite, however a basic knowledge of the subject is preferable.
Generally, the average training duration is 2 hours daily. Although if someone wants a half-day or full-day fast track course these are also available.
Yes, the study material is included in the course. Cad desk provides you the exercise books and a multicolor reference guide which helps to revise the whole software anytime.
The certificate shall be provided in both digital and physical form once you complete the training. The certificate shall be displayed in your login after you complete the training. You can collect the physical certificate from the center.
Cad desk is a pioneer in CAD/CAM training and most industries and Universities/colleges recognize its certificate by reputation.
This is lifetime access to your login and all its benefits.
Definitely, CAD DESK being the leader in CAD, receives many openings on day to day basis, and registered students shall be able to access that information.